Legal issues can be complex and very emotional. It doesn’t matter your background, your age, or your experience; when confronted with the complexities of starting a business, finalizing an adoption, or protecting a grandson or granddaughter in a State initiated legal case–it is intimidating. That is why Mr. James’s mantra is: trust us and rest easy. Mr. James has the experience to help guide you through your legal questions and come to an affordable, timely resolution.
So feel comfortable reaching out to Mr. James with any questions by filling out the “Contact Us” form below or clicking the “Schedule an Appointment” button at the top right of this page. Once the Law Office of Adam James is on your side, you can trust our standard of excellence and rest easy.
Thank you for visiting our site.
Adam James, Esq.
Arizona shocked at the outrageous behavior of local adoption attorney Paul Peterson, our Maricopa County Assessor.